Radio frequency (RF) skin tightening rejuvenates the elasticity of the skin through a minimally invasive procedure. RF technology is a great advancement in anti-aging treatments because it penetrates into deeper layers of the skin tissue than other laser treatments. An RF treatment can tighten the skin, minimize deep wrinkles and lines, and create an overall smoother skin surface. The most common treatment areas for RF skin tightening are the eyes, forehead, the mid-face, and the neck. Plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Najera has used RF treatments successfully on patients of most skin types and pigmentation at his practice serving Frisco, Plano, Allen, McKinney & surrounding areas. He is proud to offer ThermiTight RF skin rejuvenation on patients who are not quite ready for a surgical procedure, which usually consists of patients around 30-50 years old.
ThermiTight is a minimally invasive procedure that provides excellent RF skin tightening. It is often considered an alternative to BOTOX, liposuction, and in some cases, a surgical lift. The tightening results from a ThermiTight procedure are quite impressive. Traditional liposuction tightens the skin by a factor of 8, SmartLipo tightens by a factor of 18, while ThermiTight tightens the skin by a factor of 30+. ThermiTight is a Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved treatment that improves skin laxity in the treated areas and the results can last for several years.
Procedure Process
Dr. Najera will begin a radio frequency skin tightening procedure by making a small incision in the skin. The radiofrequency fiber will be slipped under the skin once the local anesthetic begins to work, then the fiber will safely target and heat the targeted tissues. ThermiTight radio frequency skin tightening is usually used on the face, neck, abdominal area, upper arms, and thighs for concerns like bra fat and love handles.
What to Expect
RF treatments can be performed in Dr. Najera’s office with a local anesthetic to numb the treated areas. Patients will feel their skin becoming hot, but there is no pain or discomfort throughout the procedure. Patients should expect slight swelling and redness, but this is temporary and the patient can resume normal activities within 24 hours. Results start appearing within a few hours of treatment, and the full effect typically show within in a few months and last for 2 or more years.
Expected Cost
A single session of ThermiTight RF skin tightening usually costs between $2,000 and $5,000, depending on how many areas are being treated and the size of the treatment area. Dr. Najera will be better able to estimate the cost after a treatment plan is created.

RF Skin Rejuvenation FAQs
Ideal Candidates?
The best patients for RF skin tightening have a moderate amount of loose skin and wrinkles, but they are not ready for an invasive surgical procedure. RF skin tightening will not treat fat, skin texture, or discolorations on the skin. RF skin tightening is good for patients who are just beginning to see signs of aging, but do not need a facelift or full body contouring.
How Long do the Results Last?
One treatment session of ThermiTight RF skin tightening will improve the condition of the skin for several years. RF skin tightening procedures can be repeated at the doctor’s discretion to tighten the skin further or maintain the effects of a previous treatment.
How Many Treatments?
Most patients only need one session with ThermiTight to see an improvement in their skin elasticity. The effects can be seen right away and the results continue to improve over time.
RF VS. Lifts?
RF skin tightening is sometimes called a liquid facelift, but skin tightening is different from a lift surgery. An RF treatment tightens the skin by increasing collagen productions, which tightens the underlying structure and the surface of the skin. A lift surgically removes excess skin and is better for patients who want or need more dramatic results.